
Friday, April 27, 2012

How to choose a good book

This is a How to choose a good book blog post. I am going to give you 7 steps that you can follow to choose a great book.
7 Easy steps to choosing the right book for you

  1. Look at the cover and cover illustration.
  2. Read the first page and use the five finger rule.  Five finger rule: If there are five or more words on the page that you don't know or cannot read, the book is probably not for you. (this isn't always true)
  3. Read another book by an author you love.
  4. Read another book from a series you really enjoy.
  5. Ask someone you trust for a recommendation.
  6. Look at the size of the print.
  7. Choose a book that is about a theme, topic, or subject you are interested in.
I am going to add a step to this that a website missed: 

8.  Look for something that you can relate to.

The word BLIPA is a good way to remember how to choose the right book. Each letter stands for a way in a process, for how to choose YOUR book.

B: Read the BLURB.
L: Look at the LENGTH and the size of the print.
I: Read a few pages to see if it INTERESTS you.
P: Look at any PICTURES or illustrations.
A: ASK a friend, your teacher or the librarian for help.

I hope these 8 steps  and BLIPA will help you choose the best book for you.

Picture of book with a worm in it available at,


  1. I quite enjoy your blog. The only thing I would advise changing here is the large spaces and gaps between everything. It draws the attention of viewers away from your guidance.

    1. Oh thanks. I will fix that.

  2. What the heck is the BLURB?

    1. It is other steps to choose a good book.

    2. No what does it stand for Blue Looking Underage Reading Brains?

  3. Define terms for your readers. Additionally, you basically copied a whole lot of information from another site. I want more of YOUR opinions and information. I like that you added an additional step, but you still copied way too much from an outside source. What about your experiences in choosing books? This post is just very lacking in more information from you. I want to hear more.
